EP's Friday Light Relief
Cold call to the Bank of EnglandDouglas Bader anecdote
Car Crash Lord Bell interview
Tom Newton Dunn: "Tim Bell is being flayed alive for his deceit over the Guptas on @Newsnight now. The once great Bell Pottinger is dying live on air. For someone supposed to be a PR legend, that was truly diabolical. Can't remember watching a bigger car crash." Mary Ann Sieghart: "And Tim Bell is an expert in reputation management? #Newsnight"
Alastair Stewart: "Enter A.N.Wilson; Kim Jong-un still hanging on in there..." Adam Sherwin "This would be worst pub lock-in ever #newsnight" For reference the programme included the Lord Bell car crash and UKIP leadership candidates Anne Marie Waters and Peter Whittle.Only 11% of Brits have a zombie plan
There are two types of people in this world: those with a zombie plan and those without a zombie plan (or as the latter group are also known, dinner). A previous YouGov survey found that 6% of Brits think the government should be developing realistic contingency plans for a zombie outbreak.“Lunch with FT” from 1995 The 79 year old poet Gavin Ewart had a liquid lunch at the Café Royal with the FT. The next day Mrs Ewart phones: “There are two things you need to know” she says “firstly Gavin came home yesterday happier than I have seen him in a long time. The second- and you are not to feel bad about this- is that he died this morning.”
B&B owners reveal the books most frequently left behind.This year’s permanent guests on B&B bookshelves:
- Dan Brown
- E L James
- Les Dennis
- Robert Ludlum
- Paula Hawkins
- Nigel Farage
- Donald Trump
- Wayne Rooney
- JK Rowling
- Jo Jo Moyes