“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.” - (Mark Twain)
So often, many companies simply talk at their audiences expecting them to know who they are and why they are important. Research often tells us that people know far less about their competition, clients and suppliers than is expected. The levels of understanding are far lower than is hoped and the stories of great businesses and their leaders seldom told.
It is interesting that in a world, where there is so much communication, so much easily accessible information that it is estimated that market knowledge has reduced by 30% than previous years. Even knowledge of who is who within the industry is the same; far less than in previous years. In the days of old, most knew who key leaders were and what they stood by. Unfortunately the same cannot be said today. The average middle manager can only name 3 to 4 sector CEOs.
But whose fault is this? So many rely on their brand and reputation to do the work for them rather than ever really telling the story of their history, their values and their reason for existing. Communications can so often be arrogant rather than going the extra mile to engage on those things that really do matter to others; the people, values, stories of success and failure, of friendships, of work within the community, of the reasons for wanting to make a difference.
Today – 2022 – as we start to emerge from a dark time, maybe the focus should be on really telling others why each company has its own mission? It is never up to anyone else to have to know your story.
Everyone has a story. Every story matters. How are you telling yours?
The industry is full of great characters who have lived full and adventurous lives. Many have stories which engage and enthrall clients and their teams. Now, there is an opportunity to bring this to life as a new publisher is seeking to tell the stories for companies far better than perhaps has been done before.
Telling a story through your own eyes helps others understand your journey, your successes and failures, your loves, your thoughts on how the world has changed. It has immeasurable value.
Moreover, it tells the story of your journey. It is an old saying that life is too short but it is full of incident and fascination.
If you would like to explore how we can help you tell your story, then please contact lauran.bush@epmagazine.co.uk