Will 2023 mark a new era for the Industry?

2022 has been remarkably difficult but we are fortunate to often be involved in conversations and discussions which are suggesting a brighter future to come.

EP is involved in a range of conversations which are seeing new, progressive ideas come to the fore which bode well for the future.

From the discussions which EP are involved in, there are some clear trends emerging which include:

  • It will all be about the customer experience.
  • There is a need to rethink menu design and produce
  • Stronger and new private-public partnerships in a way not seen before
  • A new era for the boutique hotel
  • Food service will change and evolve.
  • Talent lies at the heart of success.

What does this all mean in practice?

  • There has been a strong narrative all year about the development of immersive experiences and how consumers will pay more for great service, great hospitality and experiences where they feel valued. Service has become increasingly an important and central part of all offers.
  • Many leading culinary experts are noting that there is a need to learn from the past, maybe return to old recipes and food lessons which served well in difficult times in the past. Everyone will need to work that much harder and better to ensure good offers at a price which safeguards the consumer
  • There are some exciting new initiatives emerging which are seeing many private concerns already working in new ways with the public sector. There has been a cynicism which surrounded private-public partnerships after the 00s but there seems to be a new energy and new thinking as how such partnerships can be improved.
  • The view is that boutique hotels could well see a period of strong growth as the consumer is looking for a more personalised experience. There is also a belief that the boutique hotel can sit between the high pricing levels of 5 star operation and the branded hotel options.
  • Food service will naturally change in many ways as food does play a central role in daily life. However, all organisations will be under increased cost pressure so will be seeking new solutions.
  • It has been well documented that companies need to not just be better at retaining talent but also in its appeal to new audiences. This will require more progressive narratives and approaches.

2023 can well mark the start of a whole new era and one which is progressive and can set a new tone.


Voices of the Future - Stella Nathalia Ignacia. Master in Hospitality Strategy and Digital Transformation student at Les Roches Crans-Montana, Switzerland.


Fuelling Productivity – the argument for the role of food service has become ever stronger