“Why all the fuss over the importance of developing leadership in the young?”
After all this, we will need to build new freedoms and confidence among the young.
The above question was asked in a conversation last week. The person went on to note that “ life today is all about control, not about freedom, so what does it matter?. Everything is controlled and transparent. Our finances. Our freedom of movement at the moment. Our freedom to act”.
The above answer we believe is essential, that only in giving the young confidence and freedom will we be able to rebuild, better and stronger.
During Covid, life is certainly very controlled but the whole point about leadership is that it is primarily a matter of removing barriers so that people can act with freedom, confidence and independence. Leadership encourages and stimulates activity from people by innovating and inspiring them in planning, action and decision making activities.
The real aim of The Leader’s Journey is to enable talent; give them confidence, boldness in both expression and action.
There has been so much criticism of the young in the past decade, which may be fair or not, but isn't the point rather that this needs to be dealt with once and for all?
The baby boomers left school with confidence and the belief that they could be “directors by the age of 30”. Many were, especially in Hospitality. In an economy that needs now to be rebuilt, surely it is vital to see the young enabled and once again possess the confidence and belief that they have a voice and too can become leaders at a young age?
So many narratives about the last ten years, since the financial crash, have been focused on the increased levels of stress at work, mental illness, pressure on the young, the lack of robustness and life skills, the increased age of board directors, etc.. It is a modern reality which followed the crash of 2008 but so few today talk about the importance of relationships, trust and having fun whilst at work, things which leaders of the past and many of the current thrived on.
The result has become a sad inevitability. Research suggests that less than 20% of those aged under 30 want to be in leadership roles. Surely lessons need to be learnt and we simply cannot accept that the past will repeat itself in the future?
The whole concept behind Leader’s Journey is to provide support, coaching, and inspiration to the young so that they can enjoy their careers just as much as many of the senior players have.
We are fortunate to have a team of great people working with us on this initiative.
Abigail Tan has long been recognised as both one of the emerging lights of Hospitality with a real belief in social sustainability but also quite an action figure with her well-recorded activities. She can be a key voice for the Industry and a role model for many future generations
Simon Halliday had a great sporting career, playing for England in the Rugby World Cup Final of 91, in the great Grand Slam Teams of 91 and 92 but also had a very successful career in The City.
Kathryn Pretzel-Shiels worked with American Express for many years, travelling the world and has become a voice of reason amongst many charities and bodies in recent times, always seeking to learn and grow her knowledge and understanding.
This team alone can be great examples of having great careers, pushing their boundaries and wanting to support the next generations. They are not alone, we have many others who also want to add back from those still in sport to young executives who are now building their careers, to senior players who have been there and done it. Together is to help enable the next generations.
Our aim is to make leadership aspirational again, to create freedom in spirit with the necessary skills to prosper.
Should you wish to sponsor this campaign or receive further information do not hesitate to contact lauran.bush@epmagazine.co.uk