Wholesome Seduction October


Wholesome Seduction brings you the latest food and nutrition musings from Clare Garcia. Clare's blog focuses on observations about current trends, recipes and opinions in the world of eating.


What is Wholesome Seduction?

Wholesome Seduction is a food blog that believes food is fuel and it should not only taste good, but do us good. Taking inspiration from abroad and with a little thought and planning, flavour needn’t be compromised.Clare Garcia is Creative Director for Gather & Gather.This EP edition of Wholesome Seduction is a summary of Clare’s blogs over the past month, just click on the pictures to read the complete story.

In this issue

Wrapping up the summer

Wholesome Seduction has wrapped up summer using the last British courgettes in not one but two fritter recipes. We move into Autumn with Brixton Village: A covered, multi-cultural, eating cornucopia to sustain our love of tarmac dining should the rain begin to fall. Thank you Brixton.Clare

Brixton Village Eats

On throwing Brixton Village into the brunch option mix recently, I was met with one or two objections, finally settling on I can only assume, a fear of slashed car tires. How very short sighted. This multi-cultural, covered (cue: wet weather socialising) market is home to some of London’s most authentic and interesting restaurants and street eats. Even the Chelsea set now concedes there may be more to Brixton than riot police and KFC with a side of spliff.


Click on the image to

Zucchini & feta fritters

Bowing to yogi petitions for veggie fritter recipes on a recent Italian yoga retreat, here’s an option which uses the last of the summer’s British courgettes and involves minimal effort.


They’re effectively the same as last month’s Courgette & prawn fritters; just swap the prawns and cumin for an extra zucchini (see what I did there?) and 100g of chopped feta. It’s that easy. You can also use parsley or other fresh herbs if you don’t have coriander, give it a go!Continuing in the spirit of all things Italian, dollop with avocado, Wholesome Seduction Basil pesto and cottage cheese or Labneh from the Larder. For the meat eaters among us, it’s hard to beat the bacon, avocado & chipotle ketchup combo.Click on the image to read more...

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For more information about Wholesome Seduction please contact Nicole Thompson on 020 7025 1862 or email: nicole.thompson@epmagazine.co.uk


Rebecca Dibben


Ten things which raised an eyebrow 04-10-13