Where only talent matters
The One & All Foundation was launched in late 2008 to help raise awareness of the need to develop talent from all pools so that the industry is a true meritocracy.Over the last seven years there have been many changes and glass ceilings and artificial barriers have been broken on a continuous basis. The industry is a home for all and we are learning and improving as companies become more diverse. It is fascinating that company performance improves with greater and broader talent.
This summer, The One and All Foundation will publish a book, comprised of articles, case studies and essays from the last seven years as it has been an area of thought leadership and development. Much of it is thought provoking, honest and many of the stories humbling as they are about people that have faced discrimination and adversity but have still led change.If you would be interested in learning more about the book or about the Foundation, please contact Amy FranklinOur VisionThe vision of the One & All Foundation is for the hospitality industry to be renowned as a true meritocracy. An industry in which all available talent can access and take advantage of a culture of development which engages, encourages and nurtures individuals creating a plentiful pool of aspiring management that is representative of our workforce.