What Creates Success?...Great Food, Great Service

What Creates Success?

.....Great Food, Great Service.


It can be argued that Hospitality is on the verge of enjoying a golden period. Hotels are prospering again; new food and restaurant concepts are flourishing and there is an ever increasing interest in the industry. It does genuinely sit at the heart of everyday life. People are eating out in record numbers and everyone’s knowledge on food and wines are increasing all the time.

What this means of course is that the consumer has high expectations. Today, they want to have both great food experiences and also great service from every operation they visit. It is no coincidence that one of the greatest areas of request that EP is receiving is support on food development, menu planning and working with teams on how to engage customers. It is the bedrock of any great hospitality business.

success2At the same time work levels are increasing. Research has shown that executives have 45% less time to make a decision that at the turn of the century. So with expectations rising, executives have less and less time to think and see what is going on in the market.

It is important to step back and see the trends and new ideas that are coming through. This is maybe where the team at EP can be of support. We are constantly looking at how trends are changing and how to engage customers. We are working with sustainability and waste initiatives, innovation and new concepts.

We understand the changes taking place and bring a different perspective to the expectations of consumers. There is a need for every business to embrace these challenges and we are able to help.

If you would like to discuss how we can add value, please contact Jaz Notay


Introducing the entrepreneurs


Time for The New, The Innovative, The Entrepreneurs