Uncut and in conversation with - David Read, Chairman, Prestige Purchasing

How will the supply chain and procurement change with Covid-19?

David Read has long been a passionate advocate for progressive thinking on both supply chain management and on how it impacts on sustainability.

He talks through both during the following interview, answering a number of key questions:
• How will supply markets change over the next few years?
• What will be the role of procurement and supply chain in future sustainability agendas?
• What are the main challenges from a supply perspective in the future?
• Will sustainability become less important for the next year?

As David notes, good supply chain management can dramatically impact on Gross and Net profit ratios so it is vital at this time.


Uncut and in Conversation with - Simon Esner, Director, WSH BaxterStorey


Uncut and in Conversation with - Javier Aguirre, UK Director, Zennio - Hospitality Tech from Spain