The Sustainability Show
Since we announced the concept for a show to promote and highlight great work in sustainability, we have received a whole number of approaches with offers of support and partnership in what many see as central agenda as we re-emerge from this period. Our thanks to all those who have contacted us and it has highlighted the need and the desire.
Comments include:
“Investors will be seeking to work with those who really are committed to sustainability and have strong programmes in place. Partners will be the same. We all need to make sure that we raise the bar as more will be asked and words no longer will cut it”
“This is a new dawn, as you say, in sustainability and we will see far greater actions and practice. The problem is we need to get practical advice and we don’t know where to turn. We need that practical piece highlighted”
“ When people say sustainability, most think environment or plastic straws. It is only now that most are waking up it also means economics, business models, society and culture. Are we building business not just for the now but for the future? Are we investing in talent for tomorrow? Are we protecting our traditions, culture and legacies? The answer has been no. Now the work begins to turn the tide”
“The supply chain will be forced to change more than any other area. How will this be done?”
“ Some say it is about being progressive. It isn't. It is about doing the right thing. It is great you want to champion this”
There is a general consensus that sustainability will become one of the primary agendas for all companies following the pandemic. Already many VCs and investors are openly stating that they will not invest in companies who do not possess a strong sustainability programme in action. At the same time, major contracts too will be awarded on sustainability strategies as it impacts too on how the client concern is perceived by their own investors and clients. No longer is the discussion just about good words but about real actions and deeds and, of course, this creates a whole new dimension as many companies are turning round to ask “what can we do on a practical level to make a change?” and “We still have much to learn on the subject; where can we go?”
We are working with partners to create a series of major events, to be held across the UK that really set out to positively engage on the subject. Too often many across as lecturing on the topic but really the aim of the shows is to bring real live experiences, lessons and innovation to life. The shows would seek to educate and inspire people to think differently.
· It is argued that carbon emissions from the supply chain is 11.4x greater than company operations. How can this be re-dressed?
· Businesses will be expected to build strong economic pillars for sustainable across for the long term. Business will be more transparent, work patterns will change as will the workforce. Will economic plans and expectations change?
· How is the consumer changing in habit and behaviour?
· How will the use of energy change?
· How will resorts, towns and hotels start becoming champions and ambassadors for their historic traditions, recipes, artisans and local businesses?
· The concept of community has once again come back to the fore. A few years ago, all were talking about global economies but this trend has seen a reversal as many want to see greater investment in communities and localism. Many millennials are more motivated to focus on local issues than global issues.
· Environmental change is clearly a central topic. How can mind-sets change and be inspired to change? What can be done within all businesses and communities?
· How will cities adapt and change?
· How will services change?
· There has been an 80% increase in investment into social initiatives. What will the society of tomorrow look like and how do we work towards it?
· Quality of life and well-being
· How do we develop the talent for tomorrow?
Our aim, with the shows, is to create a “story” and approach which does engage, inspire and educate. We are also talking to artists re potential art exhibitions, photographers and to filmmakers. Again the aim is to engage via all senses but also deal with the hard issues.
This is all preparing for the future.