The Robin Hood Ideal Reworked: Giving Original Ideas and Talent a Platform
The Robin Hood Ideal Reworked Giving Original Ideas and Talent a Platform Over the last six months, we have seen growth in those interacting with the Entrepreneurs’ club that EP launched back in January. Two weeks ago, we went a step further with the launch of “The Robin Hood Ideal Reworked” campaign to a good reception. There is a real interest in original ideas and concepts that will bring a point of difference to operations and engage customers.Originality has become oneof the leading themes of the day.However, truth be told, that the biggest draw and engagement factor has been the real exceptional talent, courage, passion and belief shown by the entrepreneurs. They really are quite a special group of people that are happy to embrace challenges. They have a belief of a world that is changing with new tastes, desires and a wider interest in the original. And there are no few, truly original ideas that really could prosper with your support.The club today is interacting with over 90 entrepreneurs and it is a truly International and cosmopolitan group that includes ideas and talent from the UK, Europe, India and the USA. We have entrepreneurs working on business opportunities both in the UK and beyond.The campaign and club is really about promoting innovation, original ideas and talent. They are a credit to the Industry and hence the reason why we are delighted to provide a platform for them and to drive this theme. Our aim is to bring Industry, investors and entrepreneurs together so this group can thrive and prosper. We do want more and more companies to get actively involved and just let the new have a voice.
So how can you get involved either formally or informally? In a whole range of ways:
- Host or come to forums where the entrepreneurs can present their ideas and concepts. At worst it is thought provoking. At best it may give a partnership that can add real commercial value
- Invest in new ideas and build a commercial return
- Trade with entrepreneurs to provide new products to customers
- Come to the Entrepreneurs Ball that we are hosting on 15th July
- Come and learn more from the next campaign event that are hosting on 15th June
- Just be open to new ideas