The Queen’s passing moved the Industry

In recent years, it has appeared as though a close relationship had been founded between Her Majesty The Queen and the Hospitality Industry; and certainly many of the industry’s leaders, in the last few days, have expressed their fond and great memories of interactions with Queen Elizabeth. It moved many to shed a quiet tear and recognise the importance of the role played for over seventy years as monarch.

Over the last twenty years, the bond between the industry and the monarchy played an important role in the growing confidence which the sector has possessed. The Queen hosted a number of events to welcome to the industry at Buckingham Palace which many who attended felt great pride in. She also actively involved in a number of industry initiatives including The Gold Service Awards.

It is noticeable how many say that meeting The Queen has been their greatest moment of pride and so often, of her genuineness, humour and insight. It is clear, from so many comments, that she was a lady who possessed a deep compassion for others, a sense of duty – of doing what was right – along with the ability to have the long view on all things.

Many have spoken how she was rarely concerned by another’s error or mistake but instead would just smile and make a comment to make the person feel reassured.

It was noticeable just how many senior industry players have been moved and saddened by The Queen’s passing. She was the steady pillar in all our lives who was always there as many of us grew up through the decades, as political crisis came and went. She represented a symbol of stability whatever the crisis taking place. Life always does move on but The Queen has touched so many lives and made so many feel stronger for her presence. As one listened to the many comments which were made and came in, it was clear that the role which she played was universally recognised and that the industry mourned her passing.

For London, after all which it has faced in the last three years, it will see a real step change as the eyes of the world will be back on the City and suddenly it will see numbers return in strength. All of London’s hotels are expecting to see a surge in demand as many are drawn to the City for the Queen’s funeral and events surrounding the succession of new King Charles III.

In 1965, 300,000 visited Winston Churchill’s casket and a million overall came to London. These numbers increased dramatically in the days after Princess Diana’s death and the numbers are expected to be equally as high to mark The Queens Funeral with some estimating close to 1.5 million visitors to London over the next 10 days.

For the Jubilee earlier this summer, Restaurant spend over 4 days was up 41.4% yr-on-yr. Footfall went up 6.9% over 4-days vs May average and footfall up 17.1% for whole week vs May average. Spending was up 74.2% at pubs, bars and night clubs, while spending on entertainment was up 67.3% and spending on public transport was up 38.8%

On the down side, it is estimated that 40% of events planned for the next week have been cancelled or postponed which has had its implications.

The industry will long miss The Queen and she will be deeply missed.


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