The Leader’s Journey
It is so often forgotten that the great leaders from previous generations had double the resource invested in their development in comparison to today’s generations.
Why do we criticise those who have had far less support? Why don’t we do more?
The world has changed. Historically, many would look towards their leader to be a dominant character possessing clarity, strength and a vision which they expected others to follow. Rightly or wrongly, this is no longer what works. We live in a world which is far more diverse, with different perspectives, visions, cultures and understandings. The leader of today needs to bring all groups together, unite them under a shared vision and create a sense of collective.
Leadership has become less about force of character and far more about being able to communicate effectively, about knowledge and learning, about listening to others as well as setting out plans that diverse groups can follow.
The world today has changed and it needs new frameworks. Greater perspective is needed. New approaches and thinking are essential to write a new future
This is a skill set that needs nurturing and development from an early age. We are fortunate in that each passing generation is becoming increasingly better educated, more progressive in many ways but still they need to be helped in the craft of leadership. How many times have we heard that the young need to be more robust and more driven? Maybe they just need more support and better guidance? The old saying is that leaders are born but this is not entirely true as great leaders are also bred with the right support and teaching.
It is so often forgotten, sometimes even by those in leadership positions, that the great leaders in previous generations had double (relatively) invested in their development against today’s generations so why the constant critique of those who have had less support?
How often have we heard about the young having a fear of failure, being snowflakes and not able to commit to anything for any extended period of time? The more valid critique is potentially that previous generations have failed to make them feel that they can fail and can be bold and are supported in both of these? Have we created a society where failure is unacceptable rather than a positive place for learning and growth?
The Leader’s Journey
The world today has changed and it needs new frameworks. Greater perspective is needed. New approaches and thinking are essential to write a new future.
Our aim is to work with schools all across the country to create frameworks that do develop life skills and leadership. Our aim is to inspire and be a support to talent; to enable them, to encourage them, to help them be bold and the next generation of great leaders we know that they are capable of being.
We ask for your support, to work with us to help create change for the betterment of all.