The Great Boutique Hotels of the World

EP is delighted to support this special project for the World Boutique Hotel Awards. Published this month, this stunning 148-page coffee table book is ideal for any lounge and those who want a unique insight into some of the best hotels in the world. Full of inspiring stories and beautiful photography, it’s also an ideal present for the person who has everything.The Great Boutique Hotels of the World 2

The World Boutique Hotel Awards Collection features more than 50 carefully selected boutique hotels that embrace individuality and authenticity in some of the most beautiful locations in the world. It could easily grace any coffee table, reception area or hotel room.The Great Boutique Hotels of the World 1

Images by Newhall, the publisher

£15 softback book£25 coffee-table book

To order your copy please email Ben Butler


The Doorway to Excellence


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