Talent deserves better in the thinking behind their development. How will things change?

The “Great Resignation” too often gets used as an excuse for many struggling to find talent rather than a sign that far more needs to be done. The issues have been building for a long period of time and they will not pass unless there is a change in thinking, in narratives and in approach.

There is a great potential emerging in the emerging generations and they do deserve better. It hasn’t been good enough.

· Over the last twenty years, L&D budgets have fallen in relative terms by close to 50%.

· 63% do not trust their own leadership teams.

· Only 29% believe that their leadership teams possess the values which their own organisations proclaim.

· The majority do not believe that their own leadership teams are ethical in business.

Given all this, is it really a wonder that many have walked away? Why should they stay?

What makes the picture worse is that many leaders grew up themselves in a framework which supported them far better than they are prepared to support others.

There is little point debating the past. The focus must be on the future and combating the major challenges which lie at the heart of the issue beyond the above:

· The fact so many have walked away from the industry

· The fact that many younger talents do feel a high level of anxiety and fear of failure than previous generations

· The fact that many do not feel good enough or possess a strong sense of purpose

· The fact that there needs to be more open roads to senior positions and to senior roles than has appeared to be the case

· A genuine focus on developing leaders.

So what is needed:

· Far stronger internal engagement with good messaging which talent does trust

· There does need to be more investment in the mental development of talent. There is a need for a stronger approach in this area – not just in mental health but also in the development of problem-solving and learning.

· Investment and action in a more progressive approach which does inspire younger talents

· Stronger L&D approaches.

· Leadership teams being more visible, accessible and possessing strong value sets

There are lessons to be learnt from other disciplines and professions. For too long, so many have denied there is a problem but there has been and now it must be time to cease the constant reasons as to why it has not been good enough and find that new narrative which does work.


Workplace management is changing and it is focused on new generations. Leaders hold less influence.


Fear of change seems to dominate many but in 2022 change is a truth all have come to live with.