. EP Magazine .
Daily Insights Into The Industry
Making Under-Served Youngsters Future-Ready and Life-Ready
In March 2017 , EP covered the work being done by London-based educational charity, Timeless Lifeskills, in rural schools in India to promote 21st-century life skills. A little over a year on, Timeless Lifeskills share how their efforts are shaping up.
When Watson is Not Sherlock’s Mate – How Future Ready Are You?
When Watson is Not Sherlock’s Mate.– How Future Ready Are You? By Atul Pant, founder of London-based charitable organisation Timeless Lifeskills.
New Thinking for the New Economy
Atul Pant, founder of Timeless Lifeskills, opines that as the emerging technologies shift the global contours, be it entrepreneurship or employment, to thrive you need to metamorphose your thinking.