There is a market full of exceptional talent wanting jobs.
One way or another they will be a catalyst for change.
We have faced tough recessions before but this one is slightly different as so many companies have had to cut very deeply, there is no shortage of some exceptional talent sitting and waiting for new opportunities. Many will reinvent and find new roads forward which will be self-determined. After the 2008 crash, both AirBnB and Uber were founded. The reality is that talent will create new concepts in this market and it will disrupt established models. Are there many models not feeling vulnerable or open to disruption at this time?
The growing jobless includes some great talents who possess a renewed hunger and desire to find a way forward for themselves. It does create a melting pot which will create change in one form or another. It is inevitable. The recession of 2008/9 was also the catalyst for the gig economy as many felt they could not trust corporates in the same way. Leadership has never been questioned to the levels that it is today. Established voices have disengaged many and even established at working hard to survive the crisis. Many talk of this period being a natural period of resetting and this does also suggest that much of what worked before may well struggle in the next decade without reinvention.
It has been one of the underlying discussions of the last few months:
· About those who offer little vision of change and are simply hoping for a return to normality
· About those who equally are working on plan 6 during this crisis as the pandemic has posed almost double the questions the longer it has gone on.
Which group will come out best? One can argue both ways.
Arguably the one consistent theme has been a desire to see greater care for people being placed to the fore and for leadership to restore trust with their teams. Many have been hurt by the loss of colleagues. Many feel guilty at the heartbreak seen. Many regret the loss of trust in leadership and want to see change be generated. Without these basics being restored then it is natural that many will continue to be vulnerable post-crisis. Many believe that there needs to be a stronger focus once again on the base pillars which business has relied on for many generations over.
Out of the unemployed and out of companies will come a new generation of disrupters as so many are weary of feeling constrained. There is a growing desire to see change and for younger talent to have the chance to be enabled to create wealth for themselves. The young carry more debt than previous generations and have more barriers to their career progression. It is natural that they may challenge the norms and ask for change.
During 2020, unsurprisingly there have been less startups than is the norm as activity has been restricted through lockdowns and any normality. However, the view is that there is a pent up desire which may well see 2021 see a record number of start-ups take place, both from those made redundant and those who already had plans to start up in 2020 and were delayed. This will create new challenges and new jobs and is to encourage.
This is an era for reinvention for both the established and the new.
For all those wanting change, we aim to help; those seeking new roles, those starting up companies and those developing new strategies.