
Say what you will but out of this will come some great new businesses, innovation, consultancy and talent, all with purpose to make a difference

It is easy to say that “uncertainty” is the new norm and it is true. In many ways this is the cruellest of times as the natural “fighters” can’t as restrictions tie their hands behind their back, leaders are forced to lose good people that they regard highly, and those who do not like change face a landscape which will constantly ask them to change. Many feel downbeat, sad, and guilty at the loss of friends and colleagues and regret.

However, human nature being what it is, many are finding a way. Since we launched reinvention a short while ago, we have helped six new Newcos come to life, find their first business and we have a number of assignments as clients welcome a bespoke service to find specialist skills.

History has shown time and time again that periods of darkness often are the catalyst for new thinking, innovation and ideas. It will probably do so again now.

There is some exceptional talent seeking a new purpose. Many have a real desire and hunger to make their market, to find meaning and mission. They will find answers one way or another. Talent does always eventually come through.

Yes, things are changing but that does not mean people need to be alone as they find new answers. It may well that see a whole number of new businesses come to life out of those made redundant. We could see talent transfer to new sectors. Many companies are asking about what else they can do, what new services, what new models can they look to?

This is where “reinvention” comes into play. Over the years, EP has worked with over 200 entrepreneurial concerns, with thousands of individuals seeking either new jobs or career changes, and EP is well known for looking for bringing an alternative view on the market. These are not easy days and good advice is often needed.

Reinvention is therefore focused on 3 areas:

· Working with individuals seeking personal help in finding new roles or new career routes, in reinventing themselves

· With those seeking to set up their own businesses

· With those companies looking for an alternative perspective.

It is all about change, all about reinvention and working through it with those who care.

So however you going to change, evolve and adapt, if you want a team to work alongside, we are here.


Uncut and in Conversation - with Diana Chrouch, Moslek Uddin and Shah Athar


Whatever happens, a new landscape will emerge.