Let's grow our knowledge guide us home

Although we are all back in lockdown, much is still evolving and changing on many different fronts. Most operators seem to be forecasting revenues in 2021 of around 40-50% of 2019 levels, which following on from last year, is forcing greater change. Most note they can no longer cut costs so what can be done differently and what new markets can open up?

Technology is leading a lot of change in many areas. However, we are also seeing a genuine shift in mind-set with many talking openly that there is a need for boldness in approach and new innovation, in thinking and services; otherwise, it is just a war of attrition. Traditionally many operators have wanted to control everything themselves but many today note that, in the past year, working with others has helped them grow, learn and find new answers.

This is, for many of us, the greatest challenge we will face in guiding our companies and people through the pandemic. We will, during this week, announce the details of a number of webinars to be hosted in February. Whilst we are in lockdown, let growing our understanding of changes and issues guide us through the worst. The more we can learn, the better we can be.

We have had many emails noting that, in 2020, having time to reflect was greatly valued. Many do not want to lose that again as so much is changing around all of us. No one has all the answers but together we can increase the odds of success.

One only has to look at how leadership has changed over the years. No one person can dominate as was once the case. Today, leaders need to be team leaders, progressive, able to bring broad audiences together, communicators but also to be a greater listener and be able to learn as things change around them.

Last year, EP hosted close to 100 live and virtual events with a whole number of exceptional partners who all shared knowledge and helped create some engaging content. This year we already have plans for a similar level of content.

The events are designed to challenge, to provoke thought, to bring experts together, to share knowledge and to promote new thinking.

We look to welcoming you to events during 2021. Please always feel free to reach out to us, give us comment, feedback and your thoughts as we have been changing too as a result.


Is a new approach to Learning & Development emerging?


The Leader’s Journey – inspiring and enabling future generations