“It is not the most intellectual of the species which survives: it is not the strongest which survives but the species which is best able to adapt” (Charles Darwin)

There has been a noticeable uplift recently in those returning to workplaces all across the major cities. It does seem that as the economy became more vulnerable, the more began to return to workplaces. It will probably never return to full density numbers for a few years yet but certainly there is seemingly more energy as numbers return. Forecasters are suggesting that the full return will be in play by the 5th Anniversary of March 2020 and it will be viewed as a five year blip in workplaces.

However, there is also a warning being noted. The question is being asked; have company leaders really listened and learnt from the reasons behind why so many have not returned to workplaces until another crisis, an economic crisis, began?

If the answer is no, then experts are suggesting that five year blip will be much longer and there may never be a full return until new philosophies emerge.

The question being posed to leaders is; “How have you changed and adapted your thinking from 2019?” If the answer is in the negative, then the next question is “Why should someone work for you?” – For it has been well proven that it wasn’t good enough pre pandemic.

Tough question; maybe even harsh but maybe the correct ones to ask. How have you adapted and what is different?

The strange thing is that so much has changed in small ways over the last two and a half years:

  • There has been great thought and energy which has gone into how workplaces should function. They are likely to be more employee friendly and collaborative
  • The hours asked have naturally reduced. Work may not be back to 9-5 but it is less gruelling, less demanding and experts do suggest productivity will rise once again
  • Many companies have worked hard to redefine their purpose and mission to being more than just business
  • Service levels are definitely improved
  • Immersive, interactive consumer experiences are on the rise
  • Standards have risen as has expectation
  • Localism has become a major feature
  • And sustainability is central on every company’s agenda
  • The development of talent and social mobility is once again back on the agenda and rightly so.
  • Diversity and Inclusion is now central on the agenda too and making great headway.

Leaders will have learnt as most never make it to the level without the skill of being able to adapt. They will understand better than most that now, with all the economic challenges to be faced, that this is the time to kick on and rebuild cultures and teams. There is little room for division and negative barriers.

The business prevention squads, which live in all businesses, will need to adapt just as much. It may be challenging, and concerning but there may be a golden era about to emerge.

It was the same in the early 90s. On Black Wednesday 1992, interest rates rose to 15%, only to fall back to 10% shortly after. The UK left the ERM and the road out of recession soon followed as the economy did strengthen. The mid to late 90s were a great period of growth with great leaders emerging.

The same could happen. Different background and story but same theme.


A new narrative has emerged - From a second rate profession to one which sits at the heart of communities


The growing move in sustainability is led by younger generations.