"If you are brave enough to say goodbye, Life will reward you with a new hello" Paulo Coelho
We are sad to announce the departure of Lauran to pastures new. Lauran has played a central and pivotal role with EP over the last seven years and never more so than during the pandemic when her work was often praised for offering reassurance in a time of such uncertainty. In those difficult days. EP ran over 100 webinars with over 8 000 unique attendees and published over 1300 articles and pieces.
Lauran now moves on to a global senior role promoting excellence, innovation and fair pay. We wish her every success. She will always be part of the EP story and family.
We are also delighted to welcome two young special talents to EP.; Lexie Cook and Izzy Mchattie. Just as we talk often of the importance to empower young talent so we will be delighted to welcome their energy, ideas and insights into EP.
Two of our core themes this year is both providing a platform for the voice of talent and for entrepreneurs. Both play such an important role in the success of the industry. Over the next few weeks, We will be delighted to be publishing of two young talents from Haiti on the the importance of supporting entrepreneurship as well as the stories of a new emerging start-ups. During this year. We have started working with new startups from Australia, Denmark. Sweden. Argentina. Ireland and US as they seek to develop their businesses in the UK.
It is a genuinely exciting and progressive period of time. One where new voices are important to listen to.
As is so often the case, the industry and People are at their best in moments of great challenges.