Event Report - How technology is changing business
EP, in partnership with Zupa, were delighted to host an informative knowledge share event which sought to discuss and share insigts into how technology has and continues to change businesses within the sector.
The event commenced with a presentation by Ollie Brand, CEO of Zupa who explored the idea that technology, despite not being the "silver bullet" solution, had made significant improvements within the sector. Ollie noted that smart systems which are now not only cost effective but also simple to use, have transformed back of house operations within many businesses. These back of house changes have helped automise systems and processes which at the same time have had a direct impact on alleviating staff time and wasted expenditure on tasks thereby freeing them up to do more customer focused and service orientated tasks, especially helpful in the current staffing crisis many businesses are suffering from. Efficiencies and automation through technology within back of house operations do have a direct impact on bottom line but also on front of house capabilities.
Julie Ennis, CEO of Sodexo’s Corporate Services business across the UK & Ireland went further to explore how the use of technology has and continues to materially change the Sodexo business. As Julie explained, most businesses have an app (often the same technology used by many) but it is not only the technology that is creating the opportunity and difference, but the data that the technology provides. Most importantly, how businesses use the data provided gives businesses the opportunity to focus on providing direct support to clients, forecasting trends with consumers, creating bespoke and personalised services and experiences for clients and customers as well as the ability to change offers if the data shows that they are no longer working.
How is technology changing leadership and teams? With so much infomation being made available through technology, teams are being specifically created to analyse the data and trends being seen and advise accordingly. The age old adage of "This is how we have always done it" just does not work anymore and leaders have to acknowledge that the world has changed and be willing to embrace and often be lead by the information being provided.
But is technology killing creativity? It was agued that technology, when used well can actually help drive creativity and service. It can also help support businesses achieve sustainability and food waste reduction targets and boost customer engagement.
So what does the future look like? According to both Ollie and Julie, we still have a way to go as technology and the information it provides continues to improve and expand at speed. But what it already shows is that it can be a powerful tool to help support the industry, the client and the consumer experience and so, should be actively embraced.