EP: We constantly ask questions as we seek robust answers

As the business landscape has recovered, so EP has evolved and developed its breadth and range of services. With over 10 former leading CEOs and board directors working in collaboration, and a team of younger talents, EP is striving to build a strong value proposition ready to answer the questions being posed today.

Much has changed over the last few years. It is becoming almost a cliché that was acceptable in 2019 is today almost out-dated. Companies all across hospitality understand there is a need for constant improvement; in experience, in bespoke value, in service, with people. New and tougher questions are asked each day.

It is our philosophy that by bringing together the views and insights of both the experienced and the emerging, we create an energy and culture which constantly seeks to find the right answers. To this end, we are working to create a stronger structure to offer better service and this includes:

  • EP – each day we publish articles and original content for over 1,000 industry leaders. We are also proud to partner with leading exhibitions, shows, hotel schools and leading experts; all designed to bring fresh ideas and thoughts to our audience.
  • EP- Events. We are proud to partner with other leading international consultancies, innovators and opinion makers to bring a programme of over 60 events each year. This includes major annual events such as:
  • The Alix Partners Growth Report to be hosted, with EP, at the Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre in Westminster
  • The Food Price Index in partnership with Prestige Purchasing and CGA
  • A series of insightful webinars in partnership with HVS, Bird & Bird and Alix Partners
  • This year, we will also be hosting a series of conferences at leading hotel schools across Europe to look at how robotics and technology is changing the face of the industry.
  • EP Innovation and Entrepreneurs – We are brought together an experienced team to develop both an incubator programme and also support new concepts seek investment. We also work with over 30 of some of the industry’s leading names from the past thirty years to offer advice to new entrepreneurial talent.
  • EP Advisory and Consultancy – EP works with a number of leading companies on business planning and new strategic developments.
  • EP Communications - we are fortunate to possess experienced experts to help companies develop their narratives. It has never been harder to be heard and how one engages an audience has never been of a craft to be understood.
  • EP Creative Concepts – we work with both venues to develop new event experiences as well as with operators to look at new collaborations, partnerships and concepts to offer new service propositions. This includes new operator-supplier collaborations, new strategic alliances and new engaging events
  • EP - the next generation. There has never been a more important time to nurture emerging leadership talent and EP is proud to work with a full range of some of the strongest advocates in L&D, such as ehotelier, Changing Work and 5mins as well a number of former top sports players who want to help nurture the mindsets of young talent for the future. Altogether, we can bring together new structures to support companies in their development of leaders.
  • EP- senior appointments. We have a long history for making senior appointments across the industry.

We are purposefully different. Our strength is that we possess top experts and insight across the industry


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