EP Event - How technology is changing business
EP is delighted to next week start a new events schedule. We will be welcoming Julie Ennis, CEO of Sodexo’s Corporate Services business across the UK & Ireland speaking at a forum, partnered with Zupa, looking at how technology is and has changed the food service sector.
This is a central discussion which many currently debate across the industry. Pre-pandemic it was often said that if the sector was running in a 1500m race, it was probably near the back of the field. The pandemic though changed much and the sector is now looking forward at how technology can work effectively to help support the sector evolve to new levels.
This is one of the many exciting themes emerging; how technology and people do work in partnership to ever more effective ways.
It has also long been noted that technology has created great advancement on many levels but also strangely increased the levels of pressure that many feel they operate under. Has business used technology as effectively and well as it could have?
One can argue all ways but it has been a learning curve in the evolution. Many will say that technology on the one hand allowed business to continue during the pandemic which saved many businesses; others will argue that it has created a new power for the employee and has been the catalyst for hybrid working; others will argue that it made many less sociable and connected. Others argue that they hope service will be the beneficiary as people are freed from admin tasks and customers will see new levels of experience offered.
All the arguments have their merit but so much is today evolving that hew horizons are being visualised for the first time. How will technology and business now advance in tandem? How will it change the food service offer?
It could certainly be an exciting new stage in the evolution and so we look forward to debating the central question as to the role which technology will play in the future of the sector?
Julie Ennis is CEO of Sodexo’s Corporate Services business across the UK & Ireland and also holds the position of Country President for Ireland. She was CEO of the year and the Image PWC Businesswoman of the year awards in 2022. She has responsibility for leading the corporate services business across the region, providing Food and Facilities Management services to clients and their employees across 600 client sites as well as the various business segments that operate across the Republic and Northern Ireland.
She will be joined by Ollie Brand, CEO of Zupa, who will give his insights and perspective from a tech company perspective.
It should be a fascinating discussion and insight which we look forward to sharing..