EP always aims to gently challenge traditional thinking, offer fresh opinions and ideas, impartial comment and new solutions
The result is two new consultancy approaches – one for companies; one for individuals; both emerging from our articles, research and philosophy.
Over the last year, many have kindly praised EP for the way that it has constantly offered positive, fresh and impartial perspectives on the challenges being faced as well as the opportunities which may lie ahead. Without question, this is one of the most challenging periods in the last sixty years and we do seek to constantly share knowledge, bring people together and to connect for the betterment of business and industry.
It has therefore perhaps a natural extension that a whole range of clients have asked EP to work with their boards to challenge their thinking and bring different perspectives to the table. It is natural and easy to become “blinkered” and lose sight of what is happening in the broader marketplace when consumed with day to day business.
We are therefore delighted to promote “reinvention” which is comprised of a new team of experienced professionals who are able and enthusiastic to work with companies of all sizes, from entrepreneurs to corporates, to challenge thinking and bring different knowledge, ideas and dialogue to the table. No one has all the answers and it is important to constantly have a team asking the right questions, bringing fresh ideas and providing support where needed.
Hospitality professionals love to create services that delight. They love to meet people and talk. It has therefore been a mild madness that the importance of people has been lost.
Do you know how to network?
Over the last week and after a number of articles published and conversations had, we have also been asked by individuals to help them learn how to network and build relationships. It is being recognised that historically many companies have potentially rested too much on their laurels, waiting for business to come to them and have failed to work hard enough to build relationships across markets. Additionally, many have realised that perhaps work has failed to be as enjoyable as it could be as the social factor, friendships and relationships have almost been frowned upon and something important has been lost. Many realise that waiting for business to come to them or relying on the “strength of their brand” is simply not a viable business strategy, that the importance of relationships and networking is essential for all businesses, not only for the bottom line but also for health and happiness of their employees.
We are therefore also delighted to work with those who do want to network, grow and build relationships across the market for, in truth, it also represents the essence of Hospitality. Hospitality professionals love to create services that delight. They love to meet people and talk. It has therefore been a mild madness that the importance of people has been lost.
We have found in line with the above that there are many who would like to develop their social and business skills, learn how to present themselves, learn more about networking and genuine relationship building as well as other key disciplines. Once again we are fortunate to work with a range of experts who are keen to help provide the necessary support and thinking.
If you would like to learn more about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us at lauran.bush@epmagazine.co.uk