Can robots take your job tomorrow?
EP Think Tanks
EP's 2017 series of think tank events look at a range of important topicsMuch has been told about the advent of artificial intelligence and virtual reality and how technology is changing the way we do business and perceive society. Some people say it is scary, others find it fascinating. With technology advancing at such a fast pace, it becomes hard to sit back and rethink our relationship with machines. Yet this is nothing new. From Marx in the Capital to Adam Smith's publication The Wealth of Nations, many discussed how technology plays a central role in defining business structures and how the human skillset is positioned. One thing is certain. There are some skills that machines cannot replace in 20, 30 or 100 years' time. This is the human differential that belongs to those who sit in the control panel and are able to find solutions at all levels of the career ladder. It was reported that there is an 83% chance that workers who earn $20 an hour or less could have their jobs replaced by robots in the next five years. It was also argued that those in the $40 an hour pay range face a 31% chance of losing their jobs with their roles being taken over by machines. Where does the human differential sit? Are we really sure that only low-skilled labour is at risk? Technology advancement is threatening not only blue collars but also highly skilled labour so there is a need to rethink talent management.
According to PWC's survey 77% of CEOs saying they see the availability of key skills as the biggest business threat, ‘soft’ skills are in demand with CEOs seeing the value in marrying technology with exclusively human capabilities. The challenge is not finding that talent, but making sure that the workforce is risk averse and ready to adapt to constant change.Join us on Thursday 16th March 2017 Fear of Failure with Atul Pant, social entrepreneur, innovator and founder of Timeless Life skills. Fear of failure creates a barrier that does need debate as it is not just a barrier to personal development but also to business leadership. Many businesses today want to actively encourage disruption and activate real innovation within their businesses.We are living in a process-led business environment, so it is an exciting moment to explore how we can do things differently and solve complex unstructured problems. Atul will share his knowledge and run an interactive workshop to explore how conflict and failure can be managed.