Can Hospitality take centre stage as cities seek to rebuild density?

Most accept that there is a genuine moment for the Hospitality sector to really step forward and showcase its value. Most today accept the importance of the role which the sector can play in re-engaging employees back into workplaces and back into cities which is crucial for the economy and for many companies.

There are a number of core pillars which are accepted to be of prime importance as both companies and Cities seek to rebuild a density of people returning to it. Many are rightly saying that how leaders now think and act will determine how many companies rebuild but this will be less about strategy and more about creating stronger social and cultural cohesion and hence Hospitality can prosper by supporting what needs to take place.

Over recent weeks, the Government has stated that is for older employees to show leadership by returning to workplaces. Maybe but this is unlikely to be an effective argument. It is generally accepted that there are a number of central pillars which need rebuilding which include:

· Employee Experience – how can it be improved and modernised? The discussion over long hours is a red herring; the world is modernising and the employee journey needs to change. What new services may emerge? What is the next evolution in services to support productivity?

· People & culture. Companies need to work hard at retention and development of talent

· Sustainability. Of course, most think immediately about environmental sustainability but it is far broader than that with a focus on social, culture and economic. Most shareholders and employees want to see companies build sustainable economic business models which play a positive role within society and communities. How does this impact on hospitality? In how it supports positive actions by:

o Helping people think about food differently through supporting the importance of local produce and supply but also through adopting the principles of valuing food, culture, sense of place, health and wellbeing.

o Making people feel valued through service

o Understanding the importance of social interaction and communication

o Enabling positive action

· Digitalisation – how will digital solutions play a central role in the future?

These are viewed to be the key battlegrounds and as we stand, most feel that companies are struggling to articulate a real vision. Fair or not far, many want to see better evolving in future times.

For the first time in many years, boards and CEOs will want to have real input into the planning and implementation of services as it will be these which will bring employees back into offices and rebuild cultures. This, in turn, will place hospitality at the high table as it will directly impact on not just employee experiences but clients too.

Hospitality is all about service and this will play a premium role in future times. It will be great service which may be at the centre of how cities rebuild as the incentive of for many to return to workplaces is not high. Recent estimates have seen estimates for the numbers returning to workplaces fall so that now most expect only 50% by the end of the year.

Hospitality has an opportunity but success may well be determined by the work which takes place in the next few months. If Hospitality can help cities rebuild density, then it too prospers.


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