Art can respond to the context of society and culture Bringing Art Into Hospitality
Art can respond to the context of society and culture Bringing Art Into Hospitality"259 untitled" £250There are many ideas behind what abstract art is. Some argue its 'art for art's sake', others liken it to music where the effects are created by pure patterns of form, colour and line. Art is subjective and should provoke emotion. For the hospitality industry it provides the ability to tell stories and to bring communities together.Martin Wheeler, a young artist out of Cheltenham, has looked to develop his own brand of Abstraction. By combing Abstract Expressionism with negative spaces in architecture, he creates subtle and powerful images:"260 untitled" £300
"262 untitled" £200
"282 untitled" £70There is an almost natural platform with hospitality that allow the businesses within the sector to showcase artwork. Today they can act as galleries and bring in the local community. When used as a strong story line it can also act as a revenue stream for both artists and business.As the world increases in speed we desire places to go and relax in. These environments must combine the power of food, service and environment to ensure repeat business. Art can only enhance this and make experiences unmissable and centerpieces of a community.If you would like to find out more about EP's activity with art or enquire about the portfolio of Martin Wheeler please contact